Monday, January 25, 2021

Research On Multicultural Education



         Educating minority people has been a subjuct of multicultural education and is still practised in a framework of the nation-state.Although multicultural education is on outgrowth of ethnic studies in the 1960s is has dep historical roots in the African-American ethnic studies movement that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centruis. Multicultural education refers to any form of education or teaching that incorparates the histories texts, values, beliefs, and perspectives of people from different cultural backgrounds. At the classroom level, for example, teachers may modify or incorporate lessons to reflect the cultural diversity of the students in a particular class.

In many cases, “culture”is defined in the broadest possible sense, encompassing race, ethnicity, nationality, language, religion, class, gender, sexual orientation, and  “exceptionality” a term applied to students with specialized needs or disabilities. Multicultural education guarantees  opportunities for minority people’s education and tries to preserve their culture, but it is often a controversial point between the majority and minority. In a multicultural society, nation-building and national integration should be imminent tasks, as such, national education plays  a signifıcant role in creating a “national culture”.

In this context, educators goals is to teach self-acceptance, to instill in learner an acceptance and understanding of both the positive and negative attributes of their cultural groups, and to teach learners the importance of working foward social justice and an equitable environment. However, while signifıcant changes to improve gender equilty have been made, it would be unrealistic to say educators always treat male and female the some way.

 A major goal of multicultural education, as stated  by specialists in the fıeld, is to reform the school and other educational institutions so that students from diverse racial, ethnic, and social class groups will experience educational equality. Another important goal of multicultural education is to give both male and female students an equal chance to experience educational success and mobility.

   Accordingly, what are some teacher behaviors that could encourage multiculturalism?

The fist step for any teacher is being aware at all times that they are addressing a classroom spanning language and culture.Everything they say, the examples they give, the issues they address, the opinions they  express, and the stories they share should keep a higher perspective to avoid issues of prejudice in religion, culture and social structure. Self-awareness is a huge factor, as is being able to create a space where students feel their opinions are valid and accepted, and that there is no right or wrong answer.  Experiencing the freedom to say thinks without fear, ridicule or judgment encourages the most interactive and enriching learning experiences for everyone. Educators have to challenge of molding a more humane and equitable society by providing responsive multicultural education programs that reduce racism, prejudice and ethnocentrism and promote social justice,  For teachers with a classroom full of students of different backgrounds, the responsibility to connect with them goes beyond simply knowing where they are from, or what their  favorite subjects are. These teachers must strive to understand their students in a more holistic way, incorporating their cultural traditions into lessons and activities, so students feel understood, confortable, and focused on learning. 

Therefore, what is the position of multicultural education today?

  Research has indicated that ethnic minority students are disproportionately poor, dropping out of school, being suspenden or expelled, and achieving for below their potential relative to the ethnic majority (Bennett, 1995).

            Multicultural education has developed over the last several decades and it is becoming increasingly recognized as  signifıcant educational issue and it is an approach to teaching and learning that is based on democratic values and affırms cultural  pluralism within culturally diversesocieties. It is also viewed as a way of teaching that promotes the principles of inclusion, diversity, democracy, skill  acquisition, inquiry, critical thought, value of perspectives, and self-reflection. This method of teaching is foundto be effective in promoting educational achievements among immigrants students and is thus attributedto the reform movement behind the transformation of schools. Educational philosophers argue for preservation of the minority group culture, by fostering children’s development of autonomy and introducing them to new and different ideas. This form of exposure assists children in thinking more open mindset. The increasing cultural diversty of the United States challenges elementary and secondary school educators to understand differing values, customs, and traditions and to provide responsive multicultural experiences for all learners. The melting pot theory, once thought to be a model of the assimilation of immigrants into the United States, obviously in not valid. People do not lose their differences when  they immigrate to the United States. The melting pot theoryis no longer considered a model, much less a means of achieving a just, equal, and accepting society. On the other hand, political  theorists advocate a model of multicultural education that warrants social action. Hence, students are equipped with knowledge, values, and skills necessary to evoke and porticipate in societal changes, resulting in justice for otherwise victimized and excluded ethnic groups.

            Consequently, multicultural education is predicated on the principle of  educational equilty for all students, regardless of culture, and it strives to remove borriers to educational opportunities and success for students from different cultural backgrounds. In practice, educators may modify or eliminate educational policies, programs, materials, lessons , and instructional practices that are either discriminatory toward or insuffıciently inclusive of diverse cultural perspectives.

Multicultural education also assumes that the ways in which students learn and  think are deeply influenced by their cultural identity and heritage, and that to teach culturally diverse students effectively requires educational approaches that value and recognize their cultural backgrounds.

In this way, multicultural education aims to improve the learning and success of all students, particularly students from cultural groups that have been historically underrepresented or that suffer from lower educational achievement and attainment.






Monday, March 30, 2020

The Status Of The Working Women In Society


It is largely held that women all over the world have been made to suffer discrimination and deprivation of various kinds since the beginning of time that they have all along been denied even such basic rights as access to literacy and property.Women in the workforce earning wages or salary are part of a modern phenomenon ,one that developed at the some time as the growth of paid employment for men,but women have been challenged by inequality in the workforce.Until modern times,legal and cultural practices combined with the inertia of longstanding religious and educational conventions,restricted women’s entry and participation in the workforce.Economic dependency upon men,and consequently the poor socio-economic status of women,have had the some impact,particularly as accupations have become professionalized over the 19th and 20th centuries.
            Women’s work or woman’s work is work believed to be exclusively the domain of women and associates particular stereotypical tasks that history has associated  with the female  gender.It is paticularly used with regard  to work that a mother or wife will perform within a family and household.The term may be pejorative,because historical advertisements have promoted the misrepresentation of women as only house maids.

            The aim of this research is to investigate the reason for the low status  of working women in society and o try to remove the accepted prejudice gradually.

Research question:Why do women have lower status in comprison to men in society?

Research design:The research study is employed as a qualitative research design. A qualitative research includes varied methods in focus, containinga naturalistic and an interpretive approach towards its subject of content, which indicates that qualitative researchers investigate the matter in their normal settings and interpret the phenomena with regards to the context that people convey to them.

Setting: This research was conducted with people in Turkey. The chosen research is about women have lower status in comporison  to men in society.

Participants: The research was conducted with working women, (assistant coach, tourist guide, english teacher, receptionist) housewives and working men,(tourist guide, sales expert, architect).
The people age is approximetly 25-30. The research question was asked to seven women and three men. Four of these women are working women and three are housewives. Also, three men has profession. The interview was conducted with a total of ten people.

Procedures of data collection: The data collection tool is interview with the working women, housewives, working men. The research question was asked by e-mail. During the interview one question was asked.

Procedures for data analysis: First, the research question was determined. Second the interview was analyzed. Throughout the process the about women have lower status in comporison to men in society were analyzed.

Ethical issues:One ethical issue was addressed in this research.

            In this study due to this problem in the literature, the interview was conducted with people. “Why do women have lower status in comporison to men in society?” the question was asked ten people.
These answers I received:
1.     Man’s right to speak, and women’s right to speak, and women’ s right to speak and prossess and rule in man, which has not always had a voice, partriarchal culture is due to the fact that is has a language that glorifıes the man who humiliates the unique women.(Esra Atana, assistant coach)
2.     The reason women have less status is that they react more emotionally by acting with emotional and maternal common sense. So, I think that men are more successful because they have less sense of logic and pity and have styles to suppress women and never support them. However, women can succeed as long as they are supported.(Nesibe Kandemir, tourist guide)
3.     I think it does not have less status, they are not known only because they do not know that there is a women behind every successful man or something, for example Osman marketing fılm there was a scene there girl ” Sahan Gokbakar” likes, but he does not want. The girl says: “I wish our brains, what we feel, if we have a tool to tell the other person,” then the marketing company is fomous holding the owner, I mean everthing belongs to women, but the women does not have enough apportunities and entrepreneurship, seems to have.(Uğur Pamukçu, tourist guide)
4.     Actually, it is just a perception. Thinking in people’s minds is fıction. Is there anything that men and women can’t? No. It can be a judge or a teacher or a doctor or a president. However, considering the numeral of employees in any intitution or private company, the numeral of women is less than men. This is not because of discrimination, because every women is confıdent and unable to do all the work, actually ıf women are confıdent, maybe they will do better than men. In addition, most women do not work housewives, the man has to work because he has to support the house, but the women does not see herself in this case, the men is worked, the women acts  with the logic that she stops at home, and some men act with the logic that the women stops at home and the child stops. Naturally,when you look at it, two of the ten employees in a workplace or institution of ten people are women and eight men. That’ s why there is an imbalance. Men and women are equal in every institution, and now componies want to increase the numeral of female employees and affers priority to balance the numeral.(Şahin Arslan, sales expert)
5.     Women has always been looking after the home and raising children. Men has always been the head of the family and putting money on the table. It makes the women dependent on the man which gives him higher status. Slowly it starts to even out but still a long way to go.(Sofia Gökkaya,housewife)
6.     Hmm it is such a diffucult question..Actually in my opinion it comes from ancient times when women were supposed to give a birth and stay at home and men were hunting to feed that time physical superiority was much more important, but know in the modern word, knowledge is a real power so thanks to that we are able to step forword to the some level as men.(Dina Belle, english teacher)
7.     There might be many reasons up to  geographic location such as education level,media,family factors,religion but one of the main reason is biologic and physical speciality of the women.In most countries and cultures there is a belief that women must interested in children,home works etc. Basicly,ıf the women  gets pregnant,it means she has to stay for from the work for the long period for the business life, and in the period she must breastfeed her child many times a day,take care of him/her and should take care  of homeworks  as we told.All this together not only take her away from the social life.Education level is another factor.In the past,percentage of the high educated women was lower than todays and that caused a belief that man works,women take care of home and family.In the childhood,we give girl child a cooking set or doll but same we give the boys as a hunter.It makes boys more dominant than girs from the childhood.And think about the tales,at the end of the most fairy tales release of the woman is always done by a prince or the man..(Eren Tüter,Architect)
8.   Due to the pressureof men on women, that is to a patriachal society, the numeral of working women is decrease. However, the numeral of working women has increased recently.(Hacer Kandemir, housewife)
9.  The inequality in the undeveloped regions of our country that should not be.. The reason why women are exposed to this inequality comes from the fact that they cannot stand on their own feet and are financially dependenton men. But nowadays, it is the inequality that can be maximized even if it does not end in every region with the development of women themselves, standing on their own feet, and increasing women who can earn their own lives and stand on their own feet..(Kübra Toraman, resepsiyonist)
10.  I think men and women have the same status. However, the reason for the lower numera of women working in business is that the women wants to be a housewife and the pressure of the man on the woman.(Nermiye Deveci, housewife)

       Based on the responses I received, I can conclude that society is male dominated. Although it appears that we are a male dominated society, the progress of women can not be overlooked. Research has shown that women are slowly and steadily rising in society, however, biased and stereotypical attritudes towards women will never go away completely. In a perfect world, gender discrimination would be nonexistent, as men and women would combine their unique powers into building a harmonious society. Unfourtunately, this is far from the case. Nowhere in the world do women share equal social and economic rights with men or the some access as men and development are creating new challenges for women’s  rights as well as some new opportunities for advancing women’s economic independence and gender equality.
   In the real world, discrimination against women is painfully evident aspecially in the workforce.
The biggest leader of the Turkish Republic,Mustafa Kemal Atatürk says:If a society confine only one gender to reach centuries requirement ,that society has to weaken half to half.


Hughes J.A.,Sahrrock W. W. 2007. Theory and methods in sociology.An introduction to sociological thinking and practice.Palgrave Macmillan,1-16. (
The book name, Deeds Not Words: The Story of Women’s Rights,Then and Now Helen Ponkhurst
The book name, Of Women: In the 21st Century Shamı Chakrabartı